Changing a career is a challenging decision no matter what age you are in, but changing your career after 40, especially if you have dependents and financial responsibilities will require some additional thought. This process is seldom straight forward and might include some short term sacrifices. If you are an advancing manager, it will probably mean you need to find a good Leadership development programme.
If you have felt like giving up, always remember that perseverance is the key to success and the challenges you have to overcome will be worthwhile in the medium and long term. Make sure you acknowledge small steps and achievements on your way to greater success.
It’s certainly possible to make fairly significant career changes today, provided of course that you have patience and are willing to make the sactifices required. You will have to invest effort into understanding the sector you want to move to, competition, and of course drawbacks. It might very well be that the the grass just seem greeneron the other side of the fence. If you are getting confused regarding your career-changing decision, you can always seek assistance from us.
We arrange meetings with people who are willing to share their stories regarding career-changing decisions. So, although changing your career path can seem risky, we can assure you that with the proper guidance and support, you find success at the end. If you are thinking about career-changing, then consider some of the steps below.
- Identify your personality:
Manh of us choose our career aths at school, under pressure from our families and often with very little understanding of what our intended future career and related worklife will be like. Before taking any career shifting decision, you first have to analyze yourself. Identify your core values that have a great impact on your routine life, decisions, and work. Our values determine our priorities and influence the decisions we take. So, when our work is aligned with our values, we achieve the ultimate level of satisfaction.
- Recognize the passion in you:
Finding success at the end of each career path depends entirely on the person walking that path. Ensure that you pursue opportunities with the best you have and learn from the experience on your way. The key point is to identify the drive that motivates you to keep going, and once you find your passion, things will get easier.
- Create a new identity:
You have to work on your personal branding to create a new identity for yourself. However, only creating a new identity is not enough as you have to articulate it and practice it until you start believing it by yourself.
Once you create your new narrative, it’s time to convince others that it is the best decision to move on from your previous career. Once you understand the drivers behind your decision, you will find it easier to convince others onyour career choices.
- Networking:
Networking allows you to meet with and learn from new people and enhance your learning. If you are thinking about switching your career, it is best to find opportunities to network with people in your desired sector to get a better feel from their experieces and help you to hget a better sense of wwheather the potential new career is indeed one for you.
For a successful career transition, you have to broaden your networking. Meeting and communicating with people in your desired sector also gives you the chance to test your motivation. While creating new relationships, do not forget your homework. Note down some career-specific, well-thought through questions to maximise the networking opportunities which you come across.
- Coincidence:
Opportunities might catch you unexpected. So, it is prudent to be prepared to grab potential new career opportunities when they becme available. Keeping an open mind while collecting as mich information as you can from the opportinites you come across will stand you in good stead.
- We are here to talk:
Are you thinking about a change in career? We are here to assist you in making this life-changing decision. Book a personal appointment with any of our career consultants and get the best career advice.