Getting money isn’t difficult, but getting the right money at the right time on the right terms is what matters. Here’s how to do it. Let’s suppose you’ve got a terrific business plan and you’ve honed your 20-minute financing pitch. You’ve built a great team too. Now all you need is cash. When taking outside […]

Understanding the use of Crowdfunding and venture capital as sources of business funding to entrepreneurs is certainly useful when considering funding options for your business.  Some investors see crowdfunding as the beginning of the end for venture capital, expecting its emergence slowly to become the standard. That may well be, but most likely the two will […]

Both entrepreneurs and investors are not always in agreement on the question of whether business plans support in the rising of capital. Some observe high performing ventures that donít have one and conclude, why bother to plan? It raises an important issue for many businesses, particularly those in the early stages of growth: is it worthwhile […]